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    I am over 18 years of age, I declare that I have read and fully understood the Trading Terms & Conditions.

    Glosario comercial explicado

    El trading es un proceso complejo que incluye muchas acciones que resultarán desconcertantes para una persona que no esté familiarizada con el mundo financiero. Una vez que inicie su carrera comercial, se verá inundado de términos comerciales cuyo significado desconoce. No comprenderá de inmediato en qué se diferencia el valor de mercado de una empresa de su valor contable. Tampoco entenderá qué significa CPI y en qué se diferencia de IPO, a menos que le proporcionemos un glosario de todos los términos confusos que encontrará en un negocio comercial.

    Para ayudarle a evitar confusiones, hemos compilado un glosario completo de términos financieros utilizados en los mercados. Todo el glosario comercial se presenta en nuestro glosario en orden alfabético y se explica con precisión lingüística. Cualquier término financiero que le parezca desconcertante ahora quedará muy claro una vez que lea su definición en nuestro glosario a continuación.

    Todo | # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
    Actualmente hay 5 nombres en este directorio que comienzan con la letra Q.
    Qualified Dividend 
    It is a dividend that falls under capital gains tax rates which are lower than the income tax rates on unqualified, or ordinary, dividends. Qualified dividends are taxed as capital gains at rates of 20%, 15%, or 0%, depending on a specific tax bracket.
    Quantitative Easing (QE) 
    It is a form of monetary policy in which a central bank buys longer-term securities from the open market in order to boost the money supply and encourage investment and lending.  
    This is a three-month period on a company’s financial calendar acting as a basis for periodic financial reports and the paying of dividends. A quarter refers to one-forth of a year and is expressed as “Q1” for the first quarter, “Q2” for the second quarter, “Q3” for the third quarter, and “Q4” for the fourth one.
    Quote Currency
     It is the second currency listed in a forex pair. It is also called the counter currency.
    Quote Price
    It is the price at which an asset was last traded. It is defined as the point where supply meets demand, since it is the price on which the buyer and seller agree.
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