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    Glosario comercial explicado

    El trading es un proceso complejo que incluye muchas acciones que resultarán desconcertantes para una persona que no esté familiarizada con el mundo financiero. Una vez que inicie su carrera comercial, se verá inundado de términos comerciales cuyo significado desconoce. No comprenderá de inmediato en qué se diferencia el valor de mercado de una empresa de su valor contable. Tampoco entenderá qué significa CPI y en qué se diferencia de IPO, a menos que le proporcionemos un glosario de todos los términos confusos que encontrará en un negocio comercial.

    Para ayudarle a evitar confusiones, hemos compilado un glosario completo de términos financieros utilizados en los mercados. Todo el glosario comercial se presenta en nuestro glosario en orden alfabético y se explica con precisión lingüística. Cualquier término financiero que le parezca desconcertante ahora quedará muy claro una vez que lea su definición en nuestro glosario a continuación.

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    Actualmente hay 15 nombres en este directorio que comienzan con la letra S.
    It is the act of opening and then closing a position very quickly, in the hope of profiting from small price movements.
    Share Buyback
    This term refers to a company’s repurchasing of its own shares from investors. This is a tax-efficient way to return money to shareholders. When shares have been repurchased, they are considered cancelled. However, they can be kept for redistribution in the future.
    Share Price 
    It is the price of one share in a company. The prices of a share fluctuate according to market conditions. They usually increase if a company is estimated to be doing well; they fall, when a company is not meeting expectations.
    These are the units of the ownership of a company, usually traded on the stock market. They are also called stocks and equities.
    Shares Trading 
    It is the process of buying or selling of a company’s stock or derivative products based on stock to make a profit.
    This term refers to a trade that will incur a profit if the traded asset falls in price.
    Short Selling 
    It is an act of selling an asset that traders do not currently own, because they hope that its value will drop and they will close a trade at a profit.
    This term refers to a situation where an order executed does not match the price at which it was made.
    This term refers to the price of an asset for immediate delivery or to the value of an asset at any exact given time. It differs from an asset’s futures price, defined as the price for delivery at some date in the future.
    Spot Price 
    This term refers to the current value of an underlying asset, for which it can be bought or sold with the expectation of immediate delivery. This term is often used in the forex and commodities market.
    This is the difference in price between the buy (bid) and sell (offer) prices quoted for an asset.
    Stock Exchange 
    It is a centralized location where the shares of publicly traded companies are bought and sold. Stock exchanges differ from other exchanges in that the tradable assets are limited there to stocks, binds, and exchange traded products (ETPs).
    Stock Index 
    It is a group of shares used to give an indication of a sector, exchange, or economy. A stock index is made up of a set number of the top shares from a given exchange.
    Stop Order 
    This is a type of order that instructs a broker to execute a trade when it reaches a particular level, usually one which is less favorable than the current market price. They are also called stop-loss orders.
    Strike Price
    This is the price at which an option can be executed. It is a fixed price under which an underlying asset can be bought or sold.
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